The UWP Professor George's Podcast

Information on marketing for really small businesses. Tips, ideas and strategies for successful marketing.

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Social Media Tips

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020

Professor Krueger covers tips on social media promotion for really small businesses.  Objectives, what do you want to accomplish, platforms, content strategies, being genuine, engagement and adding value for your customers.  Lots of tips on successful social media promotion

Marketing During a Crisis

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020

Marketing during a crisis is very challenging.  Uncertainty and adversity causes stress on businesses.  The financial impact of the crisis can be critical which can lead to difficult decisions.  Professor Krueger covers some strategies to deal with marketing during uncertainty and adversity.  Resilience, Face Reality Even If It Hurts, Be More Conservative, Reallocate Resources and Learn/Adapt strategies are covered. 

Website Design Tips

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020

A key aspect of successful digital marketing is website design.  Effective website design can attract customers and position the business successfully to the target customer.  On the flipside, poor website design can repel customers, create a poor customer experience and ruin the positioning of the business.  UWP Professor George outlines some key actions to successfully design a website.  

Branding and DTC Strategies

Monday Mar 16, 2020

Monday Mar 16, 2020

UWP Professor George presents branding and direct to customer (DTC) promotion strategies.  The strategies work great together.  Also, a tribute to that great Easter treat, Peeps, the marshmallow wonder!!

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020

UWP Professor George analyzes the Wall Street Journal Article on the fall of Tupperware.  He analyzes the changes in environment, 4 P's and how Tupperware has declined.  He offers some ideas on how the brand could be renewed and reenergized.  Tupperware is an interesting case study in branding, targeting, product value, distribution and adapting to a changing environment.  If only he kept a few of the "science experiments" from his mother's refrigerator.  

Monday Mar 09, 2020

Really small businesses have a huge advantage of being close to the customer and highly involved in daily operations.  Traditional marketing strategies of networking, relationship building, personal selling and word-of-mouth are research tested and proven effective methods of growing sales.  Professor George talks about how to implement these strategies to improve the results of the marketing effort.  

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020

Professor Krueger covers basics of digital marketing and why it is a valuable tool for small businesses.  Websites, analytics, social media, email are overviewed along with tips on digital marketing strategies.  

Monday Feb 24, 2020

Professor George covers his research on how to improve marketing expertise for really small businesses. 

How to Market with No Money

Monday Feb 17, 2020

Monday Feb 17, 2020

Well, it does help to have a little money.  In this podcast I cover my research on how to market with no money.  Also, how to maximize the money you do spend on marketing. Professor George also covers some great marketing tools that have been shown to work for small businesses.  Small businesses have advantages that can build competitive position. 

How to Market with No Time

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020

Professor George talks about his research and makes recommendation on how to market with no time.  Actually, we have time, we need to leverage the time we have and maximize ROI on the time investment.  

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